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bunny language

22 10:03:50

How do I interpret bunny noises? I have a cute little lion head girl. Sometimes when I play with her she makes grunting noises. Does that mean that she enjoyes it, or am I overtaxing her?


sorry for the late reply, I had my vacation dates screwed up.

Little honks while circling you - affection.

Little grunts when hands are in the cage, are little protest grunts probably.

She won't make noises if she is 'overtaxed', you won't be able to overtax her.  She will just breathe harder and probably flop and rest.

If she 'purrs' - grinds her teeth softly and rapidly, she is happy.

the House Rabbit handbook has a great section on noises bunnies make.  Also their web site can give you some articles about this too.