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Bunny leaving little brown liquid spots?

22 10:03:50

Hey Dana! I was hoping you could help me figure out what's going on with my bunny. Over the past couple of months, a few weird little 'spots' have appeared randomly on my bed. Just spots, not pools or anything. They're really tiny, maybe each a centimeter in diameter at the very most. Like, literally, if you took a small-size (but not fine) felt tipped Sharpie and dabbed it really quickly to a peice of cloth, that's how much it is. At first I thought they were dried blood from a tiny place where she nicked herself or something, but tonight I found a fresh one right after she'd been on the bed!

Before it dries and evaporates, it's a very brown, very dark, very liquid (no consistency) substance and has that very skunky hormonal bunny smell that often is associated with cecals and other rectal functions. Once it's dried it just leaves a little light brown stain.

Now looking back, I realize that the mysterious few spots of wetness I've also felt on the carpet in the past are probably the same thing, and from what I can tell they've mostly (if not all) occurred at night when she's most active. (And the only time she's on my bed.)

What IS it? Does she need her bladder expressed? Are these maybe signs of bladder sludge? But I thought that bladder sludge was a chalky grey/ white substance, not a dark brown liquid substance. Something to do with cecals maybe? I've watched her ingest her cecals at least three times in the past day or so. She isn't acting any different. She's a very happy hyper loving bunny. The only thing that's been different lately that I can think of is that she's been shedding. (Though not respectively heavy.) And her litterbox habits are immaculate. She leaves a few poos around every once in a while, but what bunny doesn't? All of her poos are consistent and well-formed.

The general consensus on the forums so far is that it probably has to do with cecals. The spots do kind of look exactly like if you were to take a single ball from a cecal and literally liquify it.

What's going on?

Dear Sarah,

I can't see the spots or smell them, but my guess would be runny cecotropes, too.  Please read:

and for information on correcting the most common causes (diet and dental problems), please also read:


You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps.
