Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Is there some way I can palpate my own doe?

Is there some way I can palpate my own doe?

22 11:11:51

 I was just wondering if you could tell me how to palpate my Netherland Dwarf doe? You see, I think she might be carrying a dead baby that she can't pass. I've been told to get a vet to palpate her, but it's very costly. If there some way you can tell me how to do this myself, I'd be grateful.
 Thank you for your time.

This is no problem.
This website tells you how to palpate a doe. With dwarfs, they usually carry them high, and toward the backbone, except when ready to have them. follow this meathod, and you should have no problem feeling one, if you think she may have a retained fetus.