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drooling bunny

22 10:29:30

My bunny has been drooling for a few weeks.  Her fur is matted and there are raw areas under her chin.  Vet checked teeth, putting her out and x-raying them.  Says teeth are fine and thinks perhaps stomach.  I am suppose to give her valium and tagament for heartburn.  I really want to dry out the area and this treatment isn't working.

hello natalie

Im's sorry but im afraid im not going to be much help as i am not a vet so don't know about the best treatments to give your bunny.

Try soaking the matted hair area with warm (not too hot) water and carefully try brushing the knots out because if unleft will become more matted.

i would suggest that you go to a different vet to get their opinion as vets don't always agree.

keep an eye on the raw areas of skin just incase they start to get infected.

good luck
