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jersey wooly cause of deaths

22 11:16:00

what does it mean when sudden baldness occurs and sudden death, and is it contagious?

Hi Desiree,

I hope it's a hypothetical, else I'm very sorry to hear about this.

To be honest, I really don't know.  There's just too little to go on to narrow it down.

To be on the safe side, I would definitely treat it as contagious.  I would have the rabbit necropsied (animal autopsy) to see if cause of death could be determined.

With a Jersey wooly (long fur) if the rabbit ingested a lot of fur that it pulled out, it could have caused a blockage in the GI tract.  If it was severe enough so that the rabbit wasn't eating for awhile it could turn into a life-threatening problem.

A vet necropsy is the only way to know for sure.  In the meantime treat it as a potential health issue for any other rabbits you have.  No reason to risk them.

Let me know what the outcome is.  Lee