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Scented liners for the litterbox

22 10:02:11

Dear Dana,
I searched all over the net for an answer for this question and I have not found an answer.

I live in a small studio apartment. I clean my dwarf rabbit cage often but as soon as she does her "business" it starts to give off that noticeable smell.

I was wondering if it is safe to line the cage scented liners.


Dear Shelby,

I wouldn't use any type of plastic liner for a bunny's litterbox.  But I *can* give you the idea for the best litter that will completely eliminate odor.  Use pelleted pine sawdust litter, such as Allpet Pine, wood stove pellets, or similar product.  The version made for horses (Equine Pine) is cheaper.

The xylem in the wood has anti-bacterial properties that prevent odor, and the sawdust is incredibly absorbent.  We put in about 1", then cover it with a thin layer of soft timothy hay so it feels nice on bunny feet.  Then put a little pile of clean hay in the corner of the box so bun will sit and munch while she does her business.

The pelleted sawdust litters are disposable, though I always rinse the box when I change it, to remove residue that can build up odors no matter what you do.  And if you have a little garden on your balcony, the litter makes *great* compost!

Hope that helps.
