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rabbit diagnosed with parasites

22 10:47:23

QUESTION: hi there, our rabbit has just been diagnosed with a head parasite, of which I can't seem to find any info regarding this illness on the web. i was trying to find out if there is anything else we could give her (ie food) or if there is any way of drawing the parasite out? Our vet said he couldn't tell what type of parasite it is. We have been given three different types of medication to administer daily. She is still eating which we have been told is a good sign but she does'nt seem to be able to see very well. We would like to know the prognosis for this type of illness. Thank you for your help.

ANSWER: Dear Marc,

Unless I know the name of the parasite, I cannot even begin to advise you.  Do you mean an *internal* parasite?  Is the vet talking about Encephalitozoon cuniculi?  This can cause a certain type of blindness, and can be treated with Panacur (fenbendazole).

Or are you talking about an external parasite?  Mites?  Please see:

for pictures and treatment information.  Mange (caused by parasitic mites) can cause thick, whitish crusts to form around the eyes, and this can obstruct her vision. The best, safest treatment for this is Revolution (selamectin) from the vet.  But it sounds as if you might need a vet who is more experienced with rabbits than the one you already saw, if he can't even tell you the name of the parasite!  

Please find a good rabbit vet here:

And tell the new vet the names of all the medications you're giving your rabbit now, to be sure they are safe for your bunny.

If you can get a picture or a drawing to me at I might be able to help more.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Dana,
Thanks a lot for the info so far.
As far as I can make out the parasite is visible from an ear inspection. I was not there when she was diagnosed so i can only tell you what I have been told I'm afraid.

We were told that she has a parasite in her ear that is effecting her sight. We were also told her head is a bit swollen. Her eyes seem to be rolling a little and she seems a little disorientated when she is moving, like she is drunk. She tilts a little to the left.

There is no external signs of crusts or anything out of the ordinary. Here is a list of the medication we were given;
Metacam oral suspension
baytril  "        "

It seems from the last medicine that the vet does seem to think she has Encephalitozoon cuniculi as you mentioned. How effective is this treatment? We were told that she could be permanently blinded even with the medication?

Again thank you very much for your help it is much appreciated.

Dear Marc,

Panacur is the most commonly used medication to treat E. cuniculi.  Some people have reported full recovery, and others have reported partial improvement with its use.  Some rabbits appear to relapse when taken off the Panacur, and are on it for life.

E. cuniculi is not visible from looking into the ear.  It is a microscopic, microsporidian protist parasite that lives inside the brain and spinal cord tissue, as well as the kidneys.  If this is E. cuniculi, it might be wise to have bloodwork done to see if the bunny's renal system is still okay.  If not, then the prognosis is very poor.  I hope she's okay!

Blindness caused by E. cuniculi is of a very specific nature, resulting in characteristic lesions of the *lens* only.  The rest of the eye is not affected, so lens removal (expensive!) can restore sight if the eye is otherwise working fine.  A good veterinary ophthalmologist can have a look and tell you what exactly is going on.

I've never heard of E. cuniculi causing the head to be "swollen," though.  This is worrisome, and makes me wonder if maybe the problem could be an intracranial abscess.  These are usually started at the molar roots, and can intrude into the eye socket and even the eye itself, causing blindness, head tilt, and various problems.  

There are many possible causes of head tilt, which you can read about in a LONG article by rabbit expert vet Dr. Susan Brown:

You may wish to share this with the vet.  

I realize I wasn't there to hear the vet's explanation, but if what you are relating to me is accurate, it sounds a bit goofy.  You cannot see E. cuniculi in the ear.  You can see *ear mites* in the ear, but those are not treated with Panacur; they are treated with Revolution (selamectin).  If this is an ear or head abscess, then completely different treatment is needed.

It might be a good idea to have another vet for a second opinion:

I hope this helps.
