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My rabbit has broken his hind leg

22 11:11:49

My rabbit has fallen and brokern his hind leg. The vet says that it is unlikely he will be able to do anything for him as it is quite a serious fracture (between the fibula and femoris). He is willing to xray him and if he thinks he can he will operate to pin and plate it.
He is very old, 9 and half. So I know that is a very good age for a rabbit.  My feelings are that we should probably just let him go, but my son is absolutely distraught over the prospect of having him put to sleep.

My concern is he will not survive the 2 hour op as he is so old, but my son says he will never forgive himself if we don't try.

I have heard that rabbits can survive with 3 legs. If this is the case I was wondering whether we should just have it amputated?   He is not the most athletic bunny anyway as he is old.  He lives indoors and has two other companions.

Do you thisnk this is worth a go?  Should I discuss this option with my vet?

Many thanks

Hi Anne,

I'm sorry for your rabbit and your current situation.

I'd say if he has a love for life and is otherwise healthy and happy, if you can afford it, I would have the vet determine if he can repair the leg.  I think otherwise you all may feel like you didn't do enough.  This way if you try to base the decision on what you think he wants from his behavior and mood, it's less likely you'll make the decision because "it's what YOU want to do regardless of what is best for him."

He is older, about 65-70 years in human terms.  If your vet is not an absolutely confident/good rabbit vet, I would ask him for a referral to a rabbit specialist in your area and get with them immediately.  You need the best because of his age.  They'll need to watch him a little more closely under the gas.  If you want to look up good rabbit vets in your area, go to\vets  and find a list of House Rabbit Society recommended vets near you.

If he sees the xray and decides he can't repair the leg, ask about amputation.  They can survive better with one back leg than one front leg.  Their gait is left front, right front, then both back legs hop.  So they'll be able to keep the same kind of movement if they have to lose part of their back legs.  I have seen deer who have lost a back leg and they navigate around very easily.  that is one of the great things about rabbits in particular, and animals in general.  They live in the moment and don't dwell about what they've lost, they just make do the best they can and it doesn't get them down.

That's why I think if he appears to you to be the same bunny, enjoying life, you guys, his food, his companions, and seems like he still wants to be with you, he's trying to tell you not to give up on him because he hasn't given up yet.

But definitely make sure you are confident about your vet's abilities because you will need an experienced vet because of his age.  I think if you have a good vet your guy will pull through, either pinning the leg or having to lose part of it.  So I'd go for the two options that keep him alive, if you think he's still fighting and wants to stay.

You also have to keep in mind that your other two bunnies will be affected by the decision you make too.

Please write back anytime, let me know how it turns out for you and him.  I'll keep al of you in my prayers.
