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domestic rabbits

22 10:19:06

I brought what was supposed to be 2 female rabbits which we later discovered to be one of each.We discovered this last week when we found 7 dead bunnies in the hutch they were less than a week old.we have since separated them.But i would like to know why this was and if the female could be pregnant again.

I would assume that the male OR female killed the babies due to thinking either the babies or the other rabbit was a "threat".  Male rabbits will sometimes kill their own babies as they see them as a threat to their territory and to their female, female rabbits will sometimes kill their kits (if left with a male) because they think the male is a threat..

This is fairly common in "whoops" pregnancies.  As far as you getting them separated, that is great.  However you should consider her pregnant again, and treat her that way for at least the next 30 days.  I suspect though that her due date will be in the next 3-4 weeks so you really need to keep a close eye on her and make sure you have given her a nest box.

I also suggest checking out

For more information on rabbit breedign

Good Luck