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Cottontail bunny

22 9:55:01

As I was going to work a year ago I passed a cottontail that was in the middle of the road with crows surrounding it. The bunny was bleeding and its foot was mangled and she just closed her eyes while the birds waited and pecked at her. I realized that she was still alive and picked her?? up and put her in my car, she did not move and I knew that she was probably really hurt but I was hoping that I would be able to save her or at least keep her away from things that would hurt her. Everyone told me that she would not make it that wild bunnies do not survive in captivity but she started drinking with in 1 day(watered down apple juice)and started eating. She can't be released back into the wild and she seems to love her home with us but we are unable to hold her or get to close( she will come close to us when she is nosy) The problem is that she is losing her hair and actually has bald spots, they are pink but it doesn't look like it is irratated at this time. Is there anything I can do to help her or give her. She is still very active and plays and jumps alot but I am really concerned. She is also potty trained and her box is cleaned daily. She has a safe place where she sleeps and has her blocks to chew on but she is no restrained to a cage so it would be very traumatic to her if I would have to catch her and confine her.

You must take her to the vets as she could have mange.
This is apparent by random fur loss,reddening of the skin, flaking then cuts and scabs appearing on the skin.
It is treatable.

as for handling her this will be difficult as she is wild.
If her wild instinct is still there, which it is, she will make it back out in the wild and will be happier with her own kind. It would be cruel to keep her penned up for the rest of her life as freedom is all she knows.