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side effects of neutering

22 9:46:36

My husband recently (3weeks ago)rescued an abandon rabbit. We have limited experience with house rabbits (our daughter had outdoor bunnies when she was younger). He's a very sweet little guy. Turns out he's somewhere between 1 and 2 years old. We opted to get him neutered, done last Thursday,yesterday evening I noticed while checking his surgery site this his penis is swollen alot. I've taken him to the vet, he's there now, I've not heard back from them yet. I just wondering if you know is this a side effect of the surgery, is something else wrong, or is it even something to be concerned about.


Well unusually swollen would be something to be concerned about given the recent surgery.  However he could also - if it just normal swelling - have an erection.  Normal swelling would be about an inch in length, maybe around an eighth of an inch wide, looking a uniform pink color.  Anything departing that could be abnormal.  Having the neuter done only a week ago he still has a lot of hormones in his system.  It takes 4-6 weeks for the body to use up and adjust to its lower level of hormones after a spay/neuter.  So it would not be unusual for him to still get aroused.  Even neutered bunnies still have a sex drive, generally far less than unfixed rabbits.

If the surgery site looks real irritated, red, bleeding, pus, stitches pulled out, etc that would be of concern.  Otherwise if it looks like its healing okay, and he still eats and drinks and his bathroom habits are okay and output is normal, things should be good.  Keep him on the post-op antibiotics until they are used up.