Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit may have broken her paw.

My rabbit may have broken her paw.

22 9:48:56

QUESTION: Today, my rabbit has jumped out of my arms onto a hard wood floor and immediatly I noticed blood on the floor so I paniced (first mistake), grabbed her and tried to figure out immediatly where she was bleeding from. Quickly I realized that she was missing her thumb nail although I have yet to find it. I put some peroxide on it since I didn't have any other disinfecting items for rabbits or any pets. She ran away and began to groom herself and the bleeding stopped and she's been running around, eating normally, doing her normal thing although I have also noticed that when she was running, she would put her bad paw infront of the other not both at one time and it really seems like she doesn't really put a lot of pressure on the paw which wasn't bleeding (front right paw). Could she have broken her right paw or perhaps sprained it? Right now she's laying in an upright position although earlier she's been laying on her stomach with her back paws out. Also when I tried to touch her right paw she began to lick my fingers. Please help me. Also I don't have much money to spend for surgery or anything.


Has the bleeding completely stopped? You can buy salt sticks from the pet store to help stop bleeding. Or, apply pressure to the area. You can clean the thumb nail with warm salt water and you can pick up tea tree oil at any local drug store. The tea tree oil, you can use after cleaning the area with salt water. Dilute it, half water and half oil. Use a Q-tip and dab the wound with the oil/water. Tea tree oil will prevent infection. It's a natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent. It can be toxic if used in great amounts, but a dab to the wound will not hurt the bunny. I have used this on my rabbits for years with positive results and no ill effects. Do this with the salt water and oil twice a day for a few days until it looks like the healing is under way... If there is any residual toenail it will likely fall off on it's own. Just ensure the bleeding is under control. If it soaks through paper towels then I would suggest going to the vets as a small animal losing too much blood is detrimental. The nail will usually grow back on its own. Just keep the wound clean to keep infection at bay.

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions at all.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, the bleeding has stopped although I am still worried about her opposite paw thinking that she may have broken it. Although she really isn't limping much anymore and she's running around like she use to now.

Hi Stan

It sounds most likely that she sprained her paw. If it was truly broken she wouldn't be able to bear weight on it, and it would not improve without intervention. If she's running around fine now then I would keep an eye on her, but it would cause me much less worry.
