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brocken hind leg

22 10:37:01

my rabbit got hit by a car and broke its hind leg the bone is sticking outside of the skin i can,t a fford a vet right now so how do i treat it please help me it looks like it,s going to die

Oh boy, that's tough.

With the bone sticking out of the skin like that there isn't anything you can do to treat the rabbit yourself.

The rabbit is probably at risk for infection, in a lot of pain, and may have gone into shock.  And I'm sorry to say, without treatment by a vet, it is quite likely that your rabbit could die.

Your only option is to find a vet right away.

It is an emergency situation.  

Perhaps, the vet clinic could work out a payment plan.  But I will admit that many vets don't do that especially if you're not a regular client.

But you still want to find a vet as soon as possible.

As sad as it may be, if you can't afford the surgery to have your bunny's leg fixed, you should have a vet euthanize your rabbit for you instead of letting it suffer on.

I'm sorry for the bad news, but finding a vet really is your only option.