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White matter around the eye?

22 11:08:20

My two New Zealand rabbits constantly chews on their inner hindlegs. I have tried washing their pee-soaked inner hinglegs but it seems to have no effect. Now both of them are losing fur on all of their inner hindlegs and recently, I've discovered some white matter around their eyes. I had already wipe them clean but it continues to appear. I've also noticed that they appear to be losing some hair around their eyes as well. I'm positive there's something wrong with my rabbits. What should I do? Any relevant information or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Your two new zealands have really got me intrigued. I am just going to throw a few ideas out there as to what your diseases or problems are with them,and you can look more into them. It is impossible to say for sure without seeing them as to what is actually bothering them.

1. Rabbit mites or fleas
2. a fungus infection simmular to ringworm
3. extremely dry skin
4. malnutrition- not saying that you are not feeding them, but maybe their feed is missing vital nutrients.

They may have conjuctivitus causing the white discharge on the eye. They also may be getting something in their eyes such as fur, dust, bedding, or hay.
Hope some of those ideas help you to figure out what is wrong with them.