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New Zealand rabbits

22 11:08:08

I am getting a New Zealand buck this weekend. I have a few questions. How big should his hutch be? How many times a day should I feed him? Should I give him veggitables every day? How often? I want to breed him, so should he have a litter mate? How well would he get along with another female? Are there any behavior problems I should look out for? How often should I change the hutch? Do I use/give him straw or hay? Should I put a chewing block in the hutch? Any type of toy? How many times a day should I take him out? Please respond to these questions and would you please give me any advice that I might need? Thank you!


Hi Deanna,
ok...a hutch outside? make sure it has enough space for him to run around in...with a house he can hide in and get warm with straw.
 feed him once a day,enough to last him a while...about 1 cup with fresh veggies.
don't give him a litter mate all the time or you'll end up with many unwanted litters...only put the female in when you want to breed them and keep them together for about 3 days,then remove the female and place her in a hutch with a nest box.
clean out the hutch every week,or if he has a place to go in like a litterbox in the cage,empty that every day and refill the box with wood shavings.(not cedar shavings,only pine)
you can provide the rabbit with a wooden block for chewing and a couple cardboard boxes to play with...balls,even rawhide bones to chew on.they love to jump up on ramps the more room the better and happier he'll be. you can take him out as often as you like,the more often the better used to you he'll become,and you will bond better too.  At least once a day.
Hope this helps you out,good luck and enjoy your new friend! Elizabeth