Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Is bunny scared of me cooking?

Is bunny scared of me cooking?

22 9:55:01

I am fostering Tipsy a 4 month old female mini-satin from the local animal
shelter.  She is a great, friendly, sociable little thing except my husband and I
noticed something weird.  Whenever I am cooking she acts strangely.  I
cooked bacon while she was out of her pen and scurried around looking
terrified and then hid.  I baked a chicken for dinner and she was hiding in the
back part of her pen, looked sullen, wouldn't move or even eat any of her
favorite treats.  She just sat there perfectly still.  She will do this until we are
done eating.  What is going on with her?

Hi Laura,

Honestly this is a bit strange.  Since she came from the shelter you never know what kind of experiences she had before.  It could be the smells or sounds that are scaring her.  If she does not get comfortable after a few days and continues to act nervous you are probably better off putting her in her cage in another room until you are done with dinner.  

Sorry I can't really help more.
