Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > sick bunny: should she go to the vet?

sick bunny: should she go to the vet?

22 10:15:06

QUESTION: If a rabbit is sick, can they cure themselves like humans can? My rabbit is sick so i was wondernig if she'll get better on her own or if she needs immediate attention.

ANSWER: Dear D.T.,

A sick rabbit needs veterinary attention.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

I would *NOT* wait to see if she gets better on her own.  You don't say what's wrong, but if you can tell she's sick, then she is sick enough to be seen by a good rabbit vet.  Please read this immediately:

and get her to a good vet right away before things become life-threatening.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again.  She sneezes a lot.... real loud (like 5 times in a row every time), so i am guessing that she's sick.  Maybe it's just an allergy to something around her.  She's probably allergic to her own fur cause she was molting 3 weeks ago.  I don't see signs of her molting anymore. I'm sure she'll be fine eventually. I'm sure other rabbits sneezes too, not just her alone. If i see it get worse to the point where she is just staying in one place and not wanting to move, then i'll put the vet into consideration.  Vets are expensive and i dont have the $ to put out 4 her.  I have other bills to pay too.

you didn't answer my question though :( if a rabbit get sick, will they get better by themselves? will the illness go away eventually? or there is just no way they can cure themselves like  human can?

Dear D.T.

I did answer your question:  you need to get your bunny to the vet because they *do not* tend to get better on their own.  And if they are very sick, they often don't show it.  That means get the bunny to a good vet the minute you notice she's sick.  

Humans usually get better on their own because they get colds and flu from viruses.  This is NOT the case with rabbits, who usually get sick from bacteria.  These need treatment to help the bunny's immune system cope.

If you have a pet, then part of the responsibility that goes along with it is providing veterinary care when the animal first starts to show signs of illness, not waiting until she's on death's door.  Rabbits don't generally sneeze due to allergies.  They have upper respiratory infections--usually caused by bacteria--that need veterinary treatment.  Please read this for complete information:

We all have bills to pay. But part of the expense of a household is taking care of the companion animals who need veterinary care.

I know you'll do the right thing because you love your bunny.
