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Enlarged Testical

22 11:12:36

10 yr hold Outdoor(caged) mini-rex, Healthy,eats and drinks fine. Has very enlarged right testical.
Does not seem to be in pain. At his age I fear he would not make it thru surgery? Anything I can do or give medicine wise?
Thank you,

Dear Mark,

The only other ten year old bunny I knew who had this problem had Sertoli cell cancer of the testicles.  He was neutered without incident.

Yes, at the age of 10 your bunny isn't as good a surgical risk as a younger bunny.  But a good rabbit vet can do bloodwork and a full wellness exam to assess that.  A neuter takes only minutes, and minimal anesthesia.  No surgery is 100% risk free, but cancer is a death sentence if left untreated.  It will only get worse, and probably spread.

It's also possible that the testicle is abscessed, which would be incredibly painful.  Rabbits are very stoic about pain, so your bunny may not show his illness until it's too late.  Please get him to a good rabbit vet for full diagnosis and treatment.

You can find a good vet here:

I hope this helps.
