Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Help!! Can a Rex rabbit survive a Vermont winter?

Help!! Can a Rex rabbit survive a Vermont winter?

22 9:39:14

Rex rabbit (baby)
Rex rabbit (baby)  

Rex rabbit #2 (baby)
Rex rabbit #2 (baby)  
If I don't rescue this Rex rabbit, it's going to be slaughtered. I know some rabbits can survive but some are domesticated and can't. I want to give it the best life possible.

Dear Rosa,

Please rescue the bunny.  All bunnies should be indoors, as they can be litterbox trained and are loving and affectionate house companions.  Winter weather need not be a concern if bunny is safe inside with you.

But no, a rabbit would need really strong, warm shelter to survive northeastern winters here.  So don't take a chance.
