Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 6 month bunny toes bitten

6 month bunny toes bitten

22 9:57:40

we have called vets [no one open] my sons bunny was attacked thru cage bottom and the toes were bitten at.  we have moved bunny inside and outdoor cage is being re worked.will stay inside til healed. I have so betadine and antibodics that I have for my bunnies when there are problems. what can I do to the bunnies feet until I can get to vet on monday. do we bandage feet ?

Dear Susan,

I am sorry for the unavoidable delay due to an outreach program that has kept me insanely busy for the last ten days.  I have been checking this site only for emergency posts, and since yours was not marked as urgent (as my introduction instructs), I did not open it immediately.

The main concern here is rabies if this is endemic in your area and the predator was a raccoon.  Your bunny is lucky to be alive, since a raccoon can actually pull a rabbit through the cage bit by bit and chew and mutilate until the animal dies.  It's horrible, and it happens more than you would believe.  So I am sure that you now know you can't leave your bunny outdoors in a hutch, especially at night.  There is no such thing as a predator-proof hutch.

The betadine is a good first aid, and antibiotics if the vet directs you to use them.  But do ask the vet about the incidence of rabies in your area, and if you should be concerned about this.

I hope the bunny will be okay.
