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day old kits

22 11:08:32

My dwarf rabbit just gave birth last night to I  believe 4 kits.  I checked in her
nest and thats all I could see.  I dont want to bother her though because she
was getting visibly upset.  Two of the babies were still born, I tried warming
the babies over  a period of several hours thinking that maybe they were just
in need of warmth but nothing changed. I removed the babies from the nest,
so the others wouldnt suffer.   My question is how long does she have to stay
with the kits before I can take her out to run around for her exercise, or
should I just leave her with the babies until they are 2 weeks old.  Im sorry Im
new at this and have no idea what Im doing.  She wasnt even supposed to
have babies and well surprise surprise.

She will be able to run around for about an hour or so but make sure to leave her pen open so that she can go back to the little ones any time she wants. Removing the dead babies was one of the best things to do. Touching them is fine, just make sure to wash your hands so that you don't spread germs to them. I am glad you asked about them. Taking care of a rabbit with babies for the first time can be a bit challengeing.