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Nest building, cant be pregnant!

22 10:29:27

Help, I have been reading up on nest building in female rabbits and it seems is often linked with pregnancy. We have had our rabbit for nearly 6 months, she has been a little more  aggressive recently, showing the 'typical signs' the only problem is that she has not been around any other bunnies let alone boy's at all!!! Any ideas?

Hello Nina

What your rabbit is going through is a false pregnancy, which is called a phantom pregnancy. This usually happens when a female rabbit reaches sexual maturity. This it totally natural experience for a female rabbit. Im afriad that her being aggressive is normal to, she will be very grumpy for a while as she thinks that she is carrying babies. Thats a way of telling you to 'go away and leave me alone'.

I would leave her be for a couple of days by not cuddling or stroking her. Soon she will get back to her normal happy self. If she carries on getting phantom pregnancies or it lasts for a long while then i would advice you to get her spayed

hope this helps
