Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > flea or mite problems?

flea or mite problems?

22 11:24:26

I have a pet rabbit that we keep out side in a cage in our barn.  We do have barn cats to help with mice.  My question is this.  We have a white lion head rabbit and I recently noticed black specks that move, which makes me believe she has fleas.  She is losing some of herlong hair on her shoulders where she scrathces.  How do you deal with fleas on rabbits? I want to help her and don't know how get rid of them if thats what they are. I mentioned the cats because I know our cats have fleas even though I dust them with flea powder. Can I use the flea poweder on rabbits without making them sick? Help! thanks
christi from Washington

Dear Christi,

Don't use flea powder.  Far better for *both* the rabbits and the cats would be Advantage or Revolution (the latter is also effective against mites and some ticks).  You can read more complete information on controlling fleas and other ectoparasites, as well as these drugs' use in rabbits here:

DO NOT use Frontline!  It can be deadly to rabbits!
