Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunnies


22 9:38:45

we have some weaned bunnies that keep on dying, they have this yellow jelly looking clear poop, and diarrhea so i'm not sure whats going on. we had bought some rabbits from outside and when figured out that there were a prob with them we got rid of all of them. but now i have bunnies that are dying every day.  what can i do please thank you and God Bless.

Your bunnies appear to be suffering from intestinal dysbiosis, which is fully explained here:

It is not likely to have anything to do with the new rabbits you "got rid of", but it could have something to do with husbandry.  Improper diet can have an effect, so check that here:

There is also the possibility of intestinal parasites (e.g., coccidiosis) or bacterial infection (e.g., E. coli, Clostridium etc.).  To diagnose and treat this, you will need an experienced rabbit vet to help you, and you can find one via the Vet Referral Listings linked here:

If these are very young rabbits suffering from enteritis (mucous poop is a sure sign), then please see:

In the meantime, you can safely clean bunnies and keep them comfortable with the techniques described here:

I hope this helps you get to the bottom of the problem and get it under control.
