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How can i get them to be friends again??

22 11:16:04

  My parents bought me 2 baby male mini loped eared rabbits, (from the same litter)at eatser,  two weeks ago they got neutered (age:6 months)they were seperated for 4 weeks before there operation (as they were fighting) and were in seperate cages close together. after there operation i've been trying to get them to be friends again so i can put them back together again as they are lonely being by themselves, i've been walking them in my top field (it was a neutral territory and they would meet sniff each other then walk off, i thought things were getting alot better until they had a very big fight including pulling out each others fur and when i tried to pull barney(the rabbit) away from tigger (the other rabbit) tigger squeled as barney was holding onto his fur. before they usuallyl had a little but not partically a violent fight then walked away then on a second meeting they would sniff then walk away but yesterday was to bigger fight so i put them both away am i just rushing things?am i doing this wrong? i've never had 2 males before so i don't know how to put them back together, they were so cute before they reached sexual maturity, i've read that it can take 4 weeks for there hormones to settle down so should i wait, i've also read that its best to put them in teh same box, put them ibn teh car take them for a little car journey then put them in a room that is a neutral territory and parently should (while in teh car)find comfort in each other, is this true? please help.x

Since the boys are from the same litter, you should be able to get them back together.  Getting them to cooperate, however, is a whole other matter.

You may need to go very slowly, and supervise them during short periods each day where they get together.  You can also put their cages next to each other if you haven't already, so they can sniff each other but not get to each other.

The Car Ride of Terror sometimes works, but not until they at least tolerate each other.  You can also try putting them in a carrier on top of a running washer, which is kind of the same effect.

You can find a lot of tips and tricks at
