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Rabbit hearing

22 11:16:05

I have too many birds in my garden and they are eating all my berries from trees and bushes. I am hesitant to use nets to prevent the birds as I have a family of 10 beloved bunnies. They live in a burrow which they have digged in their large enclosure, and run freely around in our large garden and the house when we are home to keep them safe.

Someone recommended an ultrasonic bird scaring device to keep the birds away, so my question is about the hearing of bunny rabbits. How sensitive is it and are the ultrasonic sounds likely to bother them?

Rabbits can hear those ultrasonic rodent devices, I can't find any information on the bird devices if they are above a pet's range of hearing or not.  Animals have a wider range of hearing than humans do.

I would ask whoever you purchase it from if it is also effective for rodents, if it is not, then it should be safe for rabbits.
