Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bunny


22 9:38:48

Hi, I just found a bunny outside my door..initially I thought it was dead he was missing his left side of fur and can see his muscles.i took him in and put him in 10 gallon tank. Looks like he's alert. Will he die? Will his hair grow back? Thank you.

Dear Spiro

This would have been a good email to label "emergency" because by now I'm sure the situation has resolved.

Was this a wild or a domestic rabbit?  Either way, a 10-gallon aquarium is not appropriate housing, and the best course of action would have been to immediately get him to a veterinarian for treatment.  If you can imagine yourself with a wound that exposed your muscles, you can imagine the pain he was in.  And the potential for infection is tremendous.

I hope you were able to get him to a vet for treatment.  If the bunny is still with us, check this web site for a rabbit vet referral:

I hope all went well, and that the bunny will recover.
