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rabbit deformity question w/picture

22 9:50:45

odd growth
odd growth
We have a couple of rabbits making a nest in our yard in MN.  One of the bunnies seems to have an odd deformity between its ears.  Can you tell me what this could be?  I have never seen anything like it before.  


Dear Laura,

This poor bunny has a papillomatous growth caused by the Shope virus.  Fortunately, the location of the lesion is not in a spot where it will interfere with the bunny's eating, because some cottontails get them on their faces, which is horrible.

This bunny has an encumbrance, but seems to be able to deal with it.  Others are not so lucky.  :(

You can read more about the Shope virus here:

Hope the little guy does okay.  
