Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Lethargic


22 9:52:21

I have an 8 month old neutered rabbit. He is usually super feisty and doesn't really allow anyone to touch him unless on his terms.

Yesterday he was acting weird while in his pen he wasn't really moving a lot and doing the bunny loaf with his ears kind of down. I went to check on him and he didn't even attempt to run away (not normal). I called a vet and was told to give him Simethicone and do a tummy massage in case it was gas. I did both.

I left his vegetables in there at bedtime and when I woke up he had eaten them but left his pellets (also not normal he usually has his head in the bowl as I give him his pellets). So I decided time to take him to the vet.

There are 0 rabbit vets within a 3 hour drive of me and only 2 that will even see a rabbit.  

The vet did x-rays and all the normal stuff but cannot find a reason for his sudden lethargy and little appetite. I have made an appointment for the vet that is 3 1/2 hours away but the soonest appointment is for Friday.

He wants to lay on cool tile all the time and he isn't a bunny that flops a lot but he is staying flopped over. One thing I did notice is when I picked him up that it felt like the muscles close to his hind area were spasming.

Do you have any idea what it could be? I tried an e-vet but they first said they don't treat rabbits then told me the only thing they would do is give him fluids.

Hello Chucky,

I am sorry for the delay in my response.  It sounds as though the best thing for your bunny is the rabbit savvy  vet that you are taking him to.  He needs to have a blood test as well as the X-ray to determine that everything inside is working ok.  Honestly without an exam I can't tell you what might be the problem.  

I am sorry I can't be of anymore help
