Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Propulsid/Cisapride


22 11:26:48


My 7 year old mini lop has been going through GI stasis off and on since February.  He's a house bun, and I provide plenty of different types of hay for him.  He really is not interested in it. He nibbles it at best while in his litter box. His diet is mostly greens and pellets.  He has been having gas problems for a while now as well.  But lately every 2 weeks or so he stops eating.  The vet has him on Cisapride 2-3 times a day during stasis periods.  As soon as I wean him off of the Cisapride the stasis starts again.  Is it possible that he may have to take this drug the rest of his life?  What are the long term effects of Cisapride?

Thank you.

Here is what I found on this:

A. An intestinal motility agent, such as cisapride (Propulsid) or metoclopramide (Reglan) will help get a static intestine moving again. Both of the aforementioned drugs are safe and effective for rabbits. Cisapride, a more recently developed drug, has fewer potential nervous system side effects with long term use than Reglan. We have used it long term (for several weeks at a time) without apparent adverse side effects. However, as with any drug, your veterinarian should be aware of any potential drug interactions between cisapride/metaclopramide and any other medications your rabbit may be taking. For example, narcotic painkillers should never be given with Reglan due to the potential for dangerous interaction between the two.
It may take as long as two weeks on metaclopramide and/or cisapride before the intestine is fully motile again, and patience and careful nursing for the duration are essential. In severe cases of GI stasis, both drugs can be used simultaneously. Because they work on different areas of the digestive tract, they may have a synergistic effect.

I found it at

I found problems with it in newborn human children, but there is no mention of problems with rabbits.

So it looks like it isn't an issue, but if you want to check to see if other people have used it on a long term basis, you might join a rabbit list such as Etherbun, which has a lot of people on it who have lots of experience with various health issues.
