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22 10:58:18

I just asked you a question about my rabbit. How to get him to stop chewing on his cage bars. You told me to put lots of toys in his cage. You told me if I didn't want to spend money on toys then I could try to use a toliet paper roll stuffed with hay. If I stuff that with hay wouldn't my rabbit think that it's safe to eat the cardboard roll too? I don't want him to get hurt...please help

Hi Morgan

It won't hurt him a bit to eat the cardboard.  Toilet paper and paper towel rolls are great cheap toys.  I have rabbits that will devour them in minutes.  One thing you do want to consider is giving him some papaya a few times a week.  This will help with hairballs or anything else he might get into that can cause his tummy to hurt.  You can buy them at most health food stores.  I buy mine at GNC online.  They love the taste of them too so you don't have to try to hide it.  Just put a pill on top of his food and he should gobble it right up.  If you don't have papaya then just keep giving him plenty of hay.  That is so good for them and it helps them to get fiber in their diet.

If you need anything else please let me know
