Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > outside to inside

outside to inside

22 9:44:52

I have a black dwarf rabbit who has been living outside ever since I got him,recently I have wanted to bring him inside because I have been forgetting that he is out there but im wanting to know if it will affect him if I bring him in.will he adapt easily?

Dear Lauren,

Sorry for the delay, which was due to a very sad death in my family.  

Rabbits will adapt very easily to being brought inside, and I'm glad you're doing that for his safety and psychological well-being.  It's much harder on a bunny to be put OUT after being in the nice, constant climate of an indoor home.

Be sure he gets plenty of free running time inside, and if you need tips on litterbox training, etc., here's a very good place to start:

Hope this helps, and I hope you and your bunny have many happy years inside together!
