Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > how can i help it out???

how can i help it out???

22 11:12:20

my rabbit just had babies 3 days ago... i dind't know she was pregnant one died, one seems healthy, and the other seems very very weak.. is there ne thing i can do to help it out?

The most important thing is keeping them warm - only two in a litter makes for a cold nest box.  Lots of fur, some wood shavings.  The Mother should have more than enough milk for two.  Sometimes when they are born weak they are not meant to live.  If the weak one dies you will have to find a way to keep the one healthy kit warm - you can remove the nest box and put it under a warming light - return it 2 x a day to the mother for feeding - when it is about 12 days old it can be put with its Mother with the nest.
