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sick one week old bunny

22 10:28:41

i have a one and a half week old sick bunny rabbit. they have been eating great and acting fine.  Why is he all of a sudden acting so sick? he keeps opening his jaw and its making a popping noise.  his heart is still beating but his body temp is lower

Hello lindsey

Im afraid to say that this happens an awful lot with rabbits. He is the runt of the litter which means he is not quite developed properly and is much smaller than the other bunnies.

He is looking so sick as he may not be able to get any food from his mum as she knows that he is sick and with my experience most probably wont be able to survive. It's so horrible to see a poor little bunny so sick. When he opens his jaw and makes a noice that im afraid is not a good sign, this has happened to me before and my baby bunnies didn't survive. he is so hungry for food yet not able to drink the milk.

Try not to give up as he may still have a small chance of surviving, if the mum rabbit really dont want to feed him then you will be able to hand rear him, phone your vet up and ask about what to do next such as what milk is best. Make sure that he stays very warm.

hope this helps

and i hope that the little baby survives
