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introducing bunnys :)

22 9:46:32

Hi! I got a bunny about 2 weeks ago, she is 2 1/2months old and I want to get her a companion because she seems a lil gloomy. My question is how could I get my bunny to bond with the new bunny with out having altercations such as fighting, or bitting each other due to the fact that they are so territoral. How ever I should point out that the bunny that they sell at the pet store are 8weeks old an my bunny is now 10 weeks and bigger then the once they have for sell. Would that be a problem or should I try and find one that is about her same age? How would u suggest introducing them to each other? What are the steps I should take? I know your all about breeding but I just want her to have a companion, so I would get another girl. And I do plan on getting both of them spray so they won't be as aggrecive with one another.

hi Marisol it will be hard to introduce another rabbit without having them fighting as your rabbit will be depending his patch .
i would suggest maybe put them together for about an hour a day but you must stay with them incase the fur flies.
gradually they should come to accept each other but it may take time
and get one of the same sex or have the doe spayed .