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Caecotroph question

22 11:23:09

My rabbit gave birth to nine kits three weeks ago (her first litter), initially we had to feed them with KMR because the mother had mastitis and it wasnt until we were into the second week she started producing milk. Whilst into the second week the kits started adventuring out from the nest into her area and she attacked them. Luckily none were injured and i have seperated them from their mother. Now bizarrly, every 3am the mother scratches at her hutch, so i put her in with the babys in their new accomodation and she feeds them then leaves. This has worked for almost 5 days now. Also ive split the babies into two feeding groups (group1 gets mother milk, group2 KMR, then the next day group1 KMR, group2 mothers milk)so i know they are all getting their mothers milk. All babies are fine and putting on weight but what i would like to know is; Should the babies be getting their mothers caecotrophs or is the mothers milk all that they need? I tried putting a collar on the father for an evening but he hated it with no results either, id rather not do this if there is no need.  

Dear Paul,

I've read in various sources that baby rabbits eat their mother's cecotropes in order to establish their own GI tract flora, but I have never heard of anyone confirming this with actual observations.  I personally have a hard time believing it.  I suspect that the simple exposure to mama, her grooming them and their suckling off the fur that she has licked after eating her own cecotropes might be enough for the babies to establish a healthy gut flora without any extra help.

If you can collect a few cecotropes and mix them with your KMR, it wouldn't hurt.  But I don't think it's going to be the difference between life and death.  This article might help:

Please also see:

I hope this helps with the babies.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
