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My bunnys ear

22 9:58:21

My husband and I have had our bunny since April 9th. Her name is Yuna and she's never shown any signs of illness or life threatening signs. She was born a couple weeks before we got her. Anyway, the problem is, I've notice splits on the tips of her ears. The tips of her ears are crusting and falling off. After it falls off she has the tips of her ear bare with no fur. Its only happened with one ear so far but i see signs of her other ear doing it as well. Is this part of her shedding? or maybe part of her growing older? Its not hurting her or anything and I've already checked her ears for mites and she's fine. It just bothers me cause I've never had a bunny before so I don't know if its normal or not. Can you help me?

Dear Kaila,

Though I'd need to see her to be sure, this sounds like the early warning signs of mange or ear canker, either one caused by parasitic mites. Please see:

for a more complete explanation.  You'll need an experienced rabbit vet to help with treatment:

DO NOT use Frontline on her, as this can be deadly to rabbits.  Revolution is safe and effective for rabbits with mite infestations.

Hope this helps.
