Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > sleepy buuny

sleepy buuny

22 9:59:40

I recently have adopted a foster bunny (not officially but from a friend) and shes a fun loving free roaming rabbit but was caged in her previous home. She instantly seemed comfortable running, dancing, chasing the kitties and flopping over for grooming. We wanted to let her roam free while we slept as well as during the day so we left her cage open and went to sleep for the first time (shes penned into half the room which is bun proofed, but we sleep on the other side of the pen). when we woke up she was sitting on the floor instead of the couch (her prefered place) and was acting out of sorts, once i comforted her she slept, and has been for about 4 hours. Did she not sleep the whole time? or since she lacked companionship originally, was she afraid we wernt coming back n left her in a big dark scary room? I fear we may have taken to big of a step.
PS. she has eaten pellets and veggies has pooped n peed n drank. so she seems well just tired. is she ok? :(

Dear Jen,

We can't get into her head to figure out why she's behaving this way if it's depression.  But rabbits do sleep a lot during the day, so I hope she's just behaving in a normal way.  

If you suspect she might be ill, here's some help to find out, and know what to do if she is:

If you are worried she's sick, get her to a good rabbit vet here:

for a complete wellness exam.

She will need to be spayed, though.  Unspayed females have a very high risk of uterine cancer:

So discuss this with the vet when you go.

Hope this helps.
