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The baby rabbit died

22 11:18:25

Hello. I have asked you questions a few days ago. My rabbit ended up having babies. Which, I also thank you for telling me not to put her back in with the male rabbit. She had her baby, and there was lots of dried blood in her cage. This afternoon I walked in and the baby rabbit looked like it was stretched out, like the momma rabbit killed it. Could this be possible? If so, why would she do such a thing? Is it because it's her first pregnancy? And also, she only had one baby, is it also possible that she is going to have more? My mom would like to put her back out with the male now. But I'mnot sure if she will have more babies. Thank You soo much!  

Some first time mothers don't know how to properly care for the babies, especially if they are too young themselves at the time they have them.  She could have killed the baby, or killed it through neglect (not feeding it and keeping the baby warm in a nest).

If she only had the one and doesn't appear to be having contractions, then she likely isn't going to have any more.

The amount of blood is worrisome, I don't know if she had problems internally or not.

I would give her a few months to recover before trying again so she can recover her health.
