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How do I know My does is pregant?

22 10:57:05

Can You help me I asked  two experts if my rabbit is going to have babbies.An they said yes but Im still not sure.Do u know a way i can tell.signs maybe.I would apreaciate your help.

The only positive way to know she is pregnant is to have a vet or an experienced breeder palpate (feel for babies). Some signs of pregnancy include plucking fur to make a nest and getting more aggressive or moody (including making squeeking or whining sounds). However, females going through a false pregnancy (where their hormones trick them into thinking they are pregnant) can act the same way. Also, a rabbit that really is pregnant may not show any of those signs. Some rabbits do not even make the nest until just after the babies are born.

If she has been with a male, it is safest to just expect babies 28 to 35 days after she was with the male unless you can get someone experienced to palpate for you.