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Our Dutch Bunny

22 9:57:45

Hi Dana,

Our 4.5 yr Dutch bunny, Belly has not been well.  Her neck is totally cocked to the right side and her right eye is closed shut also.  She keeps falling over now and has a hard time getting up. She also has blood coming from her nose periodically.  She still eats and drinks normally and makes her happy noise when we play with her.  Could it be possible that she has had a stroke?  Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.  I have made a Vet appt. for Saturday a.m.

Dear Vickie,

Sorry for the delay; I have just finished an excruciatingly busy middle school ecology outreach program that pretty much prevented me from doing anything but that!  But now I'm back.

Please read these articles for full information on what you are facing:


This condition is treatable, depending on what caused it.  Stroke is possible, but not the most common cause which is bacterial infection or parasitic pathogenesis due to Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  For this reason, it is really imperative to have a vet who is *very* experienced with rabbits:

A vet who sees mainly dogs and cats may not be up on the latest regarding treatment of torticollis, and might not be the best for your bunny.  (Especially a vet who recommends euthanasia "if the bunny isn't better in a few days".  That's just wrong.)

I hope this helps.
