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limp rabbit

22 11:10:39

i will be honest my 12 year old daughter has forgotten to feed her rabbit for two days so i went to feed him today and he wont eat he wont drink i picked him up and he was limp and normally he is very active i let him out in the garden for a run and he just sat there i tried to make him eat and drink but he just wont take it i need to know wat i can do to stop this rabbit from dying if he is dying please help

Not eating for even a day can be very bad for a rabbit. It can cause deadly gastrointestinal problems. Try tempting him with hay, plain yogurt, and fresh fruits and veggies. Right now the important thing is to get him to eat anything that is not bad for him. Avoid sugars and carbohydrates, though, as that can make things worse.

You may have to force feed and hydrate him. You can get a clean eye dropper or a syringe without the needle to do so. Get some Pedialyte from the store. Most grocery stores carry it in the juice or baby section. It contains essential electrolytes that can help perk him back up, but it isn't filled with sugars like sports drinks are. Force some of this into the side of his mouth (the side areas do not have any teeth), then let him swallow it. If he won't swallow, forcing his front teeth apart a little (by using the dropper or syringe) often gets them to swallow.

Also, get him to a vet as soon as you possibly can. A vet will be able to rehydrate him via a sub-Q injection, which is the fastest way.

Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits simply cannot go 24 hours without food. They shouldn't even go 12 hours without anything, and they should have fresh hay available at all times to prevent any problems.