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rabbit poo

22 10:33:31

Hi there,
I just noticed this morning my 4 year old male minilop had whiteish poo?

What could be the cause of this?

Thanks so much!  

Dear Justine,

It's very likely something he ate!  If it's really quite white, then check your plasterboard/drywall to see if he's been chewing and swallowing it, and block off that area so he can't do it any more.  A little bit won't hurt him, but a lot can be caustic.

If you can't find anything that he ate that might cause this, and if the poop is *still* white after a few days, take a sample to your trusted rabbit veterinarian:

for analysis.  If it's anything that requires treatment, your vet should be able to determine this.

I hope this helps.
