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color genetics in Rex rabbits

22 11:12:02

Hi, I have mini-Rex rabbits and my husband is interested in Rex rabbits.  I know to start with the "easy" colors that can be bred to one another without having to occasionally outbreed.  But rather than ask someone what to breed to get what I want I would prefer to learn this myself.  What is the best source for this information?  

Thank you

Robin, do a Google ( I LOVE Goggle ! ) on rabbits genetics color.  Have fun !  I adore playing with colores in my rabbitry !  Litters with all the colores of the rainbow are twice as adorable.  Since I have just about ALL the large breeds I mix all together looking for the best qualities for a meat rabbit ( square body, small bones, skin tight to the body, large litters that gain weight faster ) and on that journey my litters are awsome !
