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My flemish giant with a broken femur

22 10:34:49

You responded to my question about soiling herself. Would you please tell me in which order you layered the pad, fleece and lambswool. Was the pad on the top or the bottom. I bought some baby wipes to clean her with tonight and sprinkled the cornstarch powder on her. She smells better for the moment. Hard to believe their urine is so potent.  I appreciate your reply.  Thanks again for your help. Jean

Okay, first lay down the pads, then the fleece, then the sheepskin on top. Here are some photos of Peanut's setup where you can see layers of bedding in the corner of the photo:

Hope that helps, and I hope that your girl is feeling better soon. It's very difficult but very rewarding work being the caregiver to a disabled bunny. Good luck!