Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > neutered male sharing a cage with pregnant female

neutered male sharing a cage with pregnant female

22 10:32:01

Hi can a neutered male rabbit share a cage with a pregnant female rabbit or will he hurt the baby rabbits?

Dear Kim,

A neutered male is not likely to hurt the babies.  Most male rabbits are very gentle with babies, and will not intentionally harm them.  But he might jump into the nest box out of curiosity and accidentally step on the babies.

I would keep the bunnies separate, but able to see/touch each other through a barrier until mama has her babies at the stage where they're out of the box and able to avoid being trampled.  This will also reduce stress on mama, who will be a better mother if she is calm and happy and not feeling that her space is being invaded.

Please also read this:

I hope this helps.
