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My Rabbit Is Really Sick :(

22 10:40:39

I just got a rabbit about a week ago, and his left eye seems to protruding out of the side of his head, and it is a little red. also when I got home from work and took him out of his cage, there was poop stuck to his butt and it was really sticky and looked just like syrup with a red tint to it. I called the vet and they wont be able to see him until late next week, and I was wondering what is the cause of both these problems and is it possible that they came from the pet store?? Is there a way to fix them without a vet visit? please respond ASAP.

Hi Kourtney,

did you explain to the vet this is an emergency case?  They usually will see an emergency case.

If not, take your rabbit to another vet.  I doubt they are the only vet in the area.  Or find an emergency animal clinic and get him in.

I think wherever you got your rabbit, your rabbit had to be sick when you got him from there.  Never get another one from this breeder or pet store.  If you return him to the store they aren't going to try to help him, they will let him die.

But now he's yours, get him to another vet or an emergency animal clinic fast.  I mean today as soon as you read this.

And remember to never buy an animal like a rabbit through a pet store.  Half the time people think they get a male or female and learn later on it's the other sex.  They get their rabbits in way too young and they get sick there.  Rabbits mask sickness and injury so pet store staff doesn't see it and voila, you end up with a sick bunny.

Your bunny is in serious shape - get him in immediately.  If this is the only vet, call them up again and say it's life threatening.  By the time it's a problem the rabbit can't hide from you it's a big deal.