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Tumor on chin of 4 yaer old mini lop

22 11:11:17

I have a four year old bunny that has just now developed what we thought at first was a infection and his skin under is chin.  It looked raw under his mouth.  All this within the last week.  So we called the vet they said might be an infection.  Come to find out it is a tumor.  So they told us to go to Angel Memorial in Boston.  Very close to us.  My question to you is if this tumor developed in a week then will there be more if we do surgery?


sorry to hear about your bunny's condition.

Chances are that it took longer than a week to develop.  It probably was there a long time an only recently it got more aggressive.

It all depends on what kind of cancer it is, whether it would come back or spread.  Generally the vets will give you a diagnosis and options on treatment.  Many times depending on the cancer they will take out the tumor, and then pack the area with anti-cancer drugs.  Just like with people.

But I can't answer that question for you.  Only after the vet determines what kind of cancer it is, and checks him out to see if that is the only place it is, can they tell you what your options are.

Good luck, I will keep you all in my prayers.  Let me know how it turns out, if you can.
