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Rabbit losing balance/ falling over

22 10:32:21

Hi there,

I came home tonight to find my rabbit seems to be losing her balance / walking like you were drunk but obviously she is not. She will hop around and such looking fine, and then suddenly stagger to one side like she is losing her balance. I have thoroughly checked her paws and back legs, and everything seems to be fine, so I wonder if it is an ear infection or (I really hope not..) pasteurella?
I have called the vet to make an appt. but they are all closed until the morning. She seems to be eating a bit lighter than normal but still eating and drinking, and grunting away (She is a very grunty rabbit, always has been) so her breathing seems normal as well.

Any insights? :(

Dear Anne,

This could be early signs of an ear infection, of the effects of the parasite Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and possibly exacerbated by dehydration if she feels "light" to you.  It's important to get her to a good rabbit vet as soon as possible:

But also be sure that you read this in advance, since it might help you know what questions to ask:

Even if she is not manifesting with a head tilt, balance problems can be caused by the same things that cause head tilt.  If she has general weakness, then something else entirely could be going on, such as a serious infection.  If this is the case, please read:

which tells you how to tell if your bunny is sick and how to take her temperature (very important!) to know if that needs to be addressed.  (Sometimes just knowing that the body temperature is lower than normal or much higher than normal can make all the difference in action you can take at home to get her stabilized until you can get her to the vet.

It's good that she's eating and drinking and acting normal otherwise, but I certainly would have a good rabbit vet look her over ASAP.  I hope this helps.
