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tried to release wild bunnies

22 11:35:38

I have been caring for two wild bunny babies for a few weeks because my hubby while at work found them while mowing and I made the mistake of handling them too much. This morning i took them out in a carrier and opened the door. We live in the middle of 80 acres and its all woods.One bunny came out looked around and has run off to make a new life. The other is not coming out and i left the door open an hour and came in. It was still there and is now resting in my shirt pocket. I wanted to do the right thing by letting them go but my heart is breaking now that one is gone and the other is looking sad but allowing me to love on it.I am now thinking about keeping this one and raising it in my home. Please tell me if rabbits get lonley for their sibblings?I dont want it to be sad but i dont want it to die in the wild if it is wanting to be domesticated and stay with me. Any advise? I would do the right thing if I new what it was. Can a wild rabbit be a best friend in the home and be litter trained and play with my two little house dogs? They have played by running around the couch with my dogs and then when they got tired the rabbit ran to my lap and waited till the dogs walked off then the rabbit ran right back out in front of the dogs and the chase was on again and again. Please help  

Does he like to be handled, or does he run away and hide around humans?  If he enjoys being handled, you may not be able to release him because he won't be able to fend for himself.

I know of wild rabbits that are kept indoors, litterbox trained, and spayed and neutered like domestic rabbits.

If you think that he would do poorly in the wild, then you might read which talks about rabbit diet, care, etc.  Wild rabbit care is very close to domestic, so most of the info should be the same.

Rabbits do want companionship, but if you are interacting a lot with him then it doesn't have to be another rabbit, his companions can be you and the dogs.

You might check local laws to make sure that you aren't violating any local laws, in some states it is illegal to keep a wild rabbit.
